
I believe that everyone has the innate ability to achieve what is most important to them. But we also create obstacles that limit how far and fast we can go. It makes sense. The brain that creates our wildest dreams is the same brain that builds walls and nurtures doubt when moving into unknown territory.  The following are areas that I consider to be key when designing and achieving goals.


It’s critical to know what drives us and why.  We must drill down to the core of what we want to achieve and gain clarity before taking the first step.  Understanding our motivations and drives can unearth deeply felt emotions that can hinder or accelerate our growth.  The choice is ours to make, but we must be clear on why we want what we want.


There is comfort in the familiar.  Embarking into unknown territory can be scary and requires sustained effort to stay on track.  Known and unknown obstacles cannot be overcome if we’re afraid to take action.  Fear and doubt are embedded within challenging goals.  In these moments, we can leverage our courage to move beyond our limiting beliefs.


We must believe that a positive outcome is possible within our sphere of control.  Knowing that our conscious and consistent efforts can produce effective results is essential for growth.  We must remain dedicated to taking consistent action until our objective is achieved.

These are simple and essential ideas to consider when designing goals. You may have different opinions or strategies that have worked well for you. If you’re willing to share, I’d love to hear about your best practices in goal achievement.

About me:

I always held an interest in mental and physical performance, more so as an admirer and somebody who could learn and be inspired by others. High achievement is not a mystery, only available to a select few. However, there are no “life hacks,” and searching for an easy way to attain goals will diminish fulfillment in the long run. Knowing what you want, getting started, and maintaining consistent action are something we can all do and are well worth the time and effort.

Here are a few of my achievements over the years.

I hold a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of San Francisco.

I’ve participated in CrossFit competitions (Fran PR 3:49!), strength competitions (395lb max bench), and have run multiple marathons (4:00:29 PR). Breaking a 4-hour marathon is a current goal.

I’m a certified professional coach with the International Coaching Federation (ACC).

I’ve spent 26 years working in the public sector for large and medium-sized organizations.

I spent several years in special operations as a SWAT team member/leader for a large metropolitan city.

Much of my work experience involved individual and group development via classroom and hands-on instruction.

Coaching, mentoring, and leadership development are two areas where I have a deep passion as a teacher and student.

Helping others develop and achieve their goals is now my main focus and how I spend most of my free time.