Crossing the threshold.

We strive to create a sense of comfort and safety while battling the restlessness of wanting more in our lives.  We often don’t know what this “something more” is, only that our attention is directed away from the present and toward a more optimized version of ourselves.  Living in the present moment is considered ideal in most circumstances, and ruminating about the past or worrying about the future rarely produces meaningful insights.  Yet we often do both without reflecting on the memories or thoughts that focus our attention.  This push (future) and pull (past) is the restlessness we need to move toward what is in our souls to achieve.  To do so, we need to leave the familiarness of our ordinary world and cross the threshold into the unknown.


The power of storytelling.

Classic storytelling describes crossing the threshold as moving from the first to the second act.  The protagonist enters a new and unfamiliar place to learn needed lessons, overcome challenging obstacles, and sometimes face death, to fundamentally change before re-entering the known world as a changed person.  Several trials and tribulations occur in this extraordinary world, but the first step is finding the motivation and courage to cross into it.


There are times when we’ve heard this call to adventure, only to make excuses on why the time wasn’t right or that we weren’t ready for what lies ahead.  We weren’t prepared to move from the known to the unknown.   From the safety of our ordinary lives into the risky and ultimately rewarding extraordinary world.  Maybe all the pieces were in place, and we simply succumbed to fear.  Instead of taking that step, we found reasons why it wasn’t a good idea.  Remember, these thoughts are purposeful in keeping you safe, but they have no place for those seeking more.


Why do we hesitate?

When we set goals or a vision for our future, we often do so in the comfort of the ordinary world.  We may have everything we need to survive but are not internally content or feel some pressure to do more with what we have.  Maybe we feel an obligation given our fortunate circumstances or know our potential and have an internal drive to achieve it.  Whatever your motivations, we often reflect on them without our thoughts and beliefs being challenged. 


This self-fulfilling prophecy can only occur when we move out of our “comfort zones.”  We don’t grow when were comfortable and satisfied.  Sitting on a couch, eating ice cream, and enjoying a movie isn’t the recipe for figuring out who you are and what you are capable of.  Hard challenges beyond your reach exist in the unknown, where you need to go to grow.  


That’s the dichotomy of crossing the threshold; it’s a place we hesitate to go, even though it’s the only place where we can achieve what is most meaningful.  It’s the only place where we can fulfill our destinies.  The weight of this decision creates hesitation and forces us to question and doubt our abilities.  That’s a critical piece of the process.  If we’re not questioning or doubting our chances for success, we’re not reaching high enough or honoring our inherent potential.


Taking the first step.

Entering unfamiliar territory is one of the ingredients for adventure.  Questioning whether we have what it takes to succeed is another.  Being challenged and facing our deepest fears and doubts is the only way to achieve catharsis from a limiting past and move toward our idealized futures.  The best version of ourselves lies beyond the abyss, in a place we can’t yet see but know exists.  We believe that a positive outcome exists and is possible but not guaranteed.


The best version of you has nothing to do with what you see around you.  There is no “perfect” version; perfection is an empty myth that compares one thing against another.  You were born perfect and are now tasked with living up to your own potential, whatever that may be.  It’s not being better than someone you know or accomplishing more as compared to a friend or family member; it’s improving who you were yesterday and building on that throughout your life.  You’re only competing against your past self.


Discovering your “why.”

The desire and drive for more are innate in all of us.  We wouldn’t have evolved without it.  But not everyone is willing to take the necessary steps and move from security to an unknown world where victory is uncertain.  Figuring out who you are and what you are capable of only exists in that extraordinary place.  Understanding that you may be a quitter and have quit most of the tough things in your life can only be overcome when you face those tough challenges again and again, and it becomes what you were, not who you are.  The same rule applies to every other negative habit or past failure you may harbor.  Decide now that you will face these demons in a place where safety doesn’t exist and success is far from assured.  Cross into that world and fight for who you know you can be.  You’re ready.


Comfortable being uncomfortable.


Finding allies.